Diversity and distribution of antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) in the Northern region of Cameroon (Afrotropical region)

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Diversity and distribution of antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) in the Northern region of Cameroon (Afrotropical region)

Antoine Bakoidi, Fri Dobo, Ismaila Djibo, Jean Maoge, Hakan Bozdogan, Léonard S. Tinkeu Ngamo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 1), 61-71, January 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) are insects that larvae prefer dry habitats. They are less known in the Afro-tropical zone and the present study was investigated to determine their diversity in the high Sudano Guinean and Sudano sahelian savannahs of Cameroon. Adults and larvae of antlion were collected in Dang, Mardok, Malang, Tchabal, Garoua, Kaele, Yagoua and Pouss from 2015 to 2017 through adult capture and larval collecting from September to December and from March to April. The present work shows five tribes containing 22 species among them; Nesoleontini and Myrmecaelurini are specific to the Sudano Sahelian zone. Four species namely Myrmeleon obscures Rambur 1842, Creoleon nubifer Rambur 1842, Palpares obscurus Gerstaecker 1888 Creleon sp. Are common to both agroecological zones. M. obscurus, Myrmecaelurus apicalis Navas 1912, P. obsoletus and Cueta bourboni Navas 1935, are the most abundant and abundant species in the high Sudano Guinean and Sudano sahelian savannahs of Cameroon. Fewer or rare species are Hagenomyia tristis Walker 1853; Banyutus hesione Banks 1911; Creoleon africanus Rambur 1842; Nemoleon sp. and Neuroleon striolatum Navas 1914.

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