Diversity and floristic composition of woody plants in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve (Centre, Cameroon)

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Research Paper 16/05/2023
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Diversity and floristic composition of woody plants in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve (Centre, Cameroon)

MSM. Caroline, MD. Liliane, NJ. Romain, KYP. Christian
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 5), 104-117, May 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Unlike other countries in the region, Cameroon is already experiencing very significant pressure on land, not only due to demographic factors but also related to the development of economic activities. This study focuses on the characterization of ligneous species in the Mbalmayo forest reserve. Trees having ≥10cm diameter at breast height (D.B.H) were identified and measured in 33 plots (250m x 20m). Species composition, structure, and conservation status of trees were assessed. Results of the study indicated that there were 129 tree species belonging to 100 genera and 33 families. The plot survey assessed the stem density, basal area, diversity indices and importance value index of the tree species having ≥10cm D.B.H. The stem density and basal area of the tree species were 122 stem ha-1 and 14.67m2/ha while, diversity indices, i.e. Shannon-Wiener’s diversity (2.59 bits), Simpson’s diversity (0.87) and Pielou’s evenness (0.85) indicated high diversity. The most abundant families are Fabaceae, Cecropiaceae and Combretaceae, while the most important species are Gilbertiodendron dewevrei, Musanga cecropioides and Uapaca sp. The structural composition based on D.B.H through reverse- J shaped curve indicated higher regeneration and recruitment but removal of trees of large growth classes. Mansonia altissima, Pericopsis elata and Prioria balsamifera are endanger species following IUCN category. This is a consequence of anthropogenic pressures from local populations characterized by illegal logging of timber and the establishment of fields. Maintaining the forest reserve status of this forest ecosystem will imperatively require the development of a management plan that takes into account the needs of all stakeholders.


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