Diversity and identification of aquatic macrophytes of four lakes of Holalkere Region, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

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Research Paper 19/04/2023
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Diversity and identification of aquatic macrophytes of four lakes of Holalkere Region, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

M. Pallavi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 145-151, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The present investigation concerns the diversity of aquatic macrophytes in different lakes in the Holalkere, Chitradurga district of Karnataka. Lakes are the natural habitat of macrophytic plants. Macrophytes are the common features of an aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic macrophytes play a prominent role in ecosystems. Aquatic macrophyte diversity and its role in understanding lake ecosystem dynamics have tremendous significance. Species composition of aquatic macrophytes, seasonal distribution in four lakes in Holalkere viz. Gangasamudra Lake, Gowdihalli Lake, Talikatte Lake and Kudineerakatte Lake were studied during 2019-2021. Fifteen different species of aquatic macrophytes were recorded from the studied lakes which include one free-floating, eight submerged, and six emergent Macrophytes present in the lake basin. Hydrilla verticillate, Polygonum glabrum, Cyperus longus, and Ipomoea fistulosa occur throughout the year. It indicates that aquatic macrophyte species are specific to environmental quality. The present findings revealed that the surface quality of the lakes is productive. The research aimed at describing unknown species is still necessary.


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