Diversity and regeneration status of tree species in the sacred groves of central western Ghats, India

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Diversity and regeneration status of tree species in the sacred groves of central western Ghats, India

Shwetha Bharathi, AG Devi Prasad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 10-21, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Tree species diversity and their regeneration status were investigated in three sacred groves of Somwarpet, Central western Ghats using the random quadrat method. A total of 114 arboreal species was identified belonging to 40 families among three sacred groves. Relatively a higher density of 463.44 – 853.44 individuals per hectare and a higher basal area of 62.09 – 82.84 m2 per hectare were recorded in the sacred groves. Chrysophyllum roxburghii with an IVI value of 42.98, Schleichera oleosa with an IVI value of 65.96 and Syzygium caryophyllatum with an IVI value of 80.43 were found to be dominant in Garwale, Nagarallli and Bettadalli sacred groves respectively. Highest percent of regeneration was observed in the Garwale sacred grove (78.57 % of total tree species) followed by Nagaralli (71.64 %) and Bettadalli sacred groves (56.81%). A greater density of seedlings (188-237.76/100 m2) and saplings (129.14-372.37/ 100m2) was observed in the study area. The findings emphasize on the protection of sacred groves owing to the potentialities of species for their regeneration. This also necessitates formulating sustainable strategies for utilization and development.


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