Diversity in chemical composition from two ecotypes of (Mentha Longifolia L.) and (Mentha spicata L.) in Iran climatic conditions

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Diversity in chemical composition from two ecotypes of (Mentha Longifolia L.) and (Mentha spicata L.) in Iran climatic conditions

Ahmad Reza Golparvar, Amin Hadipanah, Ali Mehras Mehrabi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 26-33, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The genus Mentha, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family, subfamily Nepetoideae. Chemical composition from two ecotypes of (Mentha Longifolia L.) and (Mentha spicata L.) grown of Iran in Chelgard (Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province) and Baghe-Bahadoran (Isfahan province) were investigated. The essential oil was extracted by a Clevenger approach and analyzed using GC/MS. Results indicated of aerial parts (M. Longifolia) 21 and 27, compounds were identified in Chelgard and Bagh-e Bahadoran province, respectively. The major constituents of the essential oil from the aerial of (M. Longifolia) in Chelgard province were; 1,8-cineole (37.16%), piperitenone oxide (18.97%), sabinene (13.93%), α-pinene (8.92%) and pulegone (6.14%). The main compositions in Baghe-Bahadoran province were; 1,8-cineole (34.26%), pulegone (27.97%), sabinene (7.89%), α-pinene (4.64%) and isopulegone (4.52%). Results indicated of aerial parts (M. spicata) 20 and 16, compounds were identified in Chelgard and Bagh-e Bahadoran province, respectively. The major constituents of the essential oil from the aerial of (M. spicata) in Chelgard province were; carvone (42.74%), trans dihydrocarvone (21.58%), 1,8-cineole (8.41%), pulegone (6.83%), Limonene (6.1%) and β-Caryophyllene (3.05%). The main compositions in Baghe-Bahadoran province were; carvone (54.34%), 1,8-cineole (21.78%), Linalool (5.82%), Limonene (5.2%) and trans dihydrocarvone (3.18%). The composition of the essential oil two ecotypes of (Mentha Longifolia L.) and (Mentha spicata L.) depends on many factors of genetic, environmental and their interaction effects, such as plant part, harvest-time, extraction-method, ecotype and geographic origin (climate, edaphic, elevation and topography.


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