Diversity of anuran of the three different habitat types (Riparian, Agricultural and Residential) along the River of Barangay Mananum, Bag-o, Medina, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Diversity of anuran of the three different habitat types (Riparian, Agricultural and Residential) along the River of Barangay Mananum, Bag-o, Medina, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

Naomi J. Cero, Edelyn B. Gonzales, Lord Elgin J. Ladera, Cordulo P. Ascano II, Gina C. Lacang
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 274-286, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Anuran belongs to the group of amphibians that are sensitive to the alterations of their environment and they could be used as bio-indicator organisms to follow changes in their habitats. The diversity of anurans was studied in the three sites located along the river of Mananum, Bag-o, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. Visual encounter survey was used to capture the target species. Diversity indices such as species richness, relative abundance, Shannon-Weiner function, evenness, similarity index were analyzed. Environmental variables were measured to know the species-habitat relationships using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Results of the study revealed that the area is composed of 6 species of anurans namely: Rana magna, Hylarana signata, Polypedates leucomystax, Occidozyga laevis, Limnonectes leytensis and Rhinella marina. It was found out that riparian area has the highest species richness and showed higher diversity index compared from the two areas. Based from CCA, it was found out that the area is composed of three (3) habitat types namely: forested; shrub land; and rocky area. Certain species of anurans were greatly associated according to the types where they are exposed. Several threats both man-made and natural-made have been identified that greatly affected the diversity of anuran species in the area.


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