Diversity of macro-detritivores associated with guano piles in Magsupit Cave, Canapnapan, Corella, Bohol, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/10/2021
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Diversity of macro-detritivores associated with guano piles in Magsupit Cave, Canapnapan, Corella, Bohol, Philippines

Ranulfo F. Cala
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 4), 1-15, October 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to determine the relationship diversity of the guano pile to the diversity of macro-detritivores in the cave ecosystem. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the diversity of macro-detritivores associated with guano pile in terms of the guano pile area, pH, and distance from the cave entrance. Moreover, it also aimed to determine the effects of light intensity to the diversity of macro- detritivores in the cave ecosystem. The distance from the entrance of the cave to each guano pile was measured using a tape measure. A light meter was used to measure the amount of light for the identification of the cave zones: entrance zone, twilight zone, and dark zone. The pH was measured with a manual p Hmeter in a sample solution with deionized water, from the middle of the pile. The area of each pile was calculated using Simpson’s formula, which integrates the measures of the lengths of parallel segments along longitudinal axis of each pile. Results showed that guano pile distance versus species richness demonstrated a positive correlation, while the species diversity demonstrated no significant correlation to the guano pile distance from the cave entrance. Moreover, the analyses of species abundance showed varied results. Analyses of guano pile area versus species richness, species diversity, and species abundance demonstrated positive correlations, while the analyses of guano pile pH versus species richness, species diversity, and species abundance demonstrated no significant correlations. Analyses of light intensity versus species richness, abundance, and diversity showed varied results.


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