Diversity of Varthemia candicans phytochemicals in response to growth habitat

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Diversity of Varthemia candicans phytochemicals in response to growth habitat

Mahmoud A. Elhaak, Fatma A. Ahmed, Mohamed E. Kashlana, Khalil M. Saad-Allah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 264-278, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Aerial parts of Varthemia candicans were collected seasonally for one year (winter, spring, summer and autumn) from Wadi Habbes (rocky habitat) and Sand Dunes habitat, West Marsa Matrouh, Egypt. The results of the plant photochemical analysis cleared out that the amount of soluble carbohydrates in the study habitats during the wet seasons (winter and autumn) was higher than that of the dry season, however the content of insoluble carbohydrates recorded a reverse trend. HPLC analysis of free sugars detected the occurrence of glucoronic acid, raffinose, glucose, galactose, fructose and fucose. The most abundant free sugar in WH was glucoronic acid but in SD was raffinose. Also, HPLC analysis of combined sugars detected the presence of glucose, mannose, fructose and maltose with the commonness of maltose in the two study habitats. The amount of soluble amino acids and soluble proteins were greater in SD habitat than WH habitat during all seasons, except autumn season. Free amino acids in WH habitat revealed the richness of the plant with asparagines, but in SD habitat with proline, but in case of protein amino acids proline was common in WH and aspartic acid was common in SD habitat. The total lipids content was greater in SD habitat than in WH. GC-MS analysis of fatty acids revealed that Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester was common in the plant aerial parts in WH habitat, however the fatty acid 6-Acetyl-8methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromen-5-ol was common in the plant aerial parts in SD habitat.

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