Diversity of vesicular and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in different land use systems

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Research Paper 30/04/2022
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Diversity of vesicular and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in different land use systems

Pramila Tripathi, A. Bordoloi, AK. Shukla
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 4), 72-79, April 2022.
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Total numbers of 24 species of AM fungus were isolated and of which 20 species belong to Golmus, one species of Gigaspora and two species of Acaulospora respectively. The highest number of species were recorded in the Forest-I area. A small number of species were recorded in the Tea Garden soil. Spore density in soil samples for different areas ranging from 46 – 324 grains / 100gm soil. The bulk of the grain (218.8 spores / 100gm soil) was recorded in the Forest-I area and the minimum (66.4 spores / 100gm soil) in the Tea garden. Indication of diversity was highest in the Forest-I (2.30) area, followed by the Plantation Forest (2.03), the Home Garden (1.99) and the agricultural land (1.98). The index value of the variety was small in the tea garden (1.58). The dominant index of AM fungus species was highest in the Tea garden (0.21) due to the single dominance of the genus Glomus occultum (IVI 79.48). However, it was much lower in the Forest-I (0.115) region due to the co-dominance of Glomus occultum, Glomus albidum and Glomus mosseae. However in the present study Glomus occultum and Glomus albidum occupy several study sites followed by Glomus aggregatum, Glomus mosseae and Glomus hoi. In addition the formation of plant species may have a direct impact on the spread of plant species.


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