Diversity, structure and biomass (above and below) in a semi-deciduous moist forest of East Region of Cameroon

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Diversity, structure and biomass (above and below) in a semi-deciduous moist forest of East Region of Cameroon

Cédric Djomo Chimi, Louis Zapfack, Adrien Njepang Djomo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 60-72, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Tropical forests contribute effectively to the mitigation of climate change despite human action which alters their structure and the local climate. Their consideration in climate change mitigation policies requires the estimation of their potential carbon stocks which can be estimated by reliable allometric equations available. The Region of East Cameroon where this study was carried out is an area of intense logging activity. The objective of this study was to make an analysis of the forest structure and to estimate the biomass using site-specific equations and to compare the effects of other equations frequently used. Trees with dbh≥1 cm were used in 7 plots of 250m × 20m to characterize the forest using diversity index, density per hectare and basal area. The biomasses of tree compartments were estimated using site-specific allometric equations and the equations most used in African forests were used to test the effect of these equations on the estimation of the aboveground biomass. The biomass was stratified into diameter classes and in root, trunk and crown compartments and their contribution estimated. Shannon index (2.47-3.88), showed a rich diversity. The biomass of trunk (220 t.ha-1), crown (146 t.ha-1) and roots (55 t.ha-1) represented respectively 52%, 35% and 13% of the total biomass. Aboveground biomass estimate with site-specific equation was 358 t.ha-1. Depending of the equation used, the biomass varied between 261 and 437 t.ha-1. This study contributes to a better understanding of the contribution of tree compartments to forest biomass and the implications of using existing equations.


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