Diversity, structure and carbon storage potential of the Dja Wildlife Reserve vegetation cover

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Diversity, structure and carbon storage potential of the Dja Wildlife Reserve vegetation cover

Roger Bruno Tabue Mbobda, Louis Zapfack, Valery Noiha Noumi, Forbi Preasious Funwi, Jules ChristianZekeng, Louis Roger Ngoma, Louis Paul Roger Kabelong Banoho, Nadège Madountsap Tagnang, Amandine Flore Ntonmen Yonkeu, Mireil Carole Tchoupou Votio, Nyeck Boris, Cedric Chimi Djomo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 179-198, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The current study was carried out in the Dja Wildlife Reserve. The objectives of the study were to map the vegetation cover types, characterize the forest structurally and to estimate carbon stocks of the Dja Wildlife Reserve. The Landsat 8 satellite images processed using Erdas Imagine 2014 and Arc GiS 10.0 software were used to map the validated vegetation with the field information. Flora data were collected on 50 transects distributed in the different Types of vegetation cover. Thus, the vegetation map showed 11 types of vegetation cover in the Dja Wildlife Reserve. Seven (7) major types of vegetation cover were characterized and they had an overall diversity estimated at 270 species in 50 families and 187 genera. Tree densities ranged from 193 to 351 stems/ha while basal area ranged from 20.23 to 30.85 m²/ha in different types of vegetation cover with an average of 26.12 m²/ha for the studied forest. The diametric structure of the forest showed a decrease in the number of individuals with increasing diameter. Carbon stocks did not vary significantly between vegetation cover types with an estimated average of 2009.97t/ha (ANOVA, p < 0.05). The fact that 82.8% of individuals belonged to class [10-40] makes the Dja Wildlife Reserve an impressive carbon sink in the Congo Basin for decades to come.


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