DNA and morphological diversity and relationship analysis of selected cultivated, wild potatoes and some promising hybrids

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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DNA and morphological diversity and relationship analysis of selected cultivated, wild potatoes and some promising hybrids

Mousa Torabi-Giglou; Panahandeh Jaber; Seyed Abolghasem Mohammadi; Fariborz Zaree Nahandi; Alireza Motallebi Azar; Jadwiga Şliwka
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 175-186, February 2015.
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Genetic diversity and relationships of 45 potato genotypes, consisting of three ploidy and EBN levels, assessed by ISSR markers and morphological traits. Analysis based on data of 17 morphological traits distinguished all accessions included. A total of 510 reproducible bands were amplified from 40 polymorphic fragments by means of five ISSR primers. These ISSR markers analyzed and Nei’s gene diversity and genetic distance (GD) coefficient of all genotypes were calculated. The average number of scoreable bands produced per primer for genotypes using ISSRs were 8 polymorphic fragments for all genotypes. Among primers, in terms of Marker Index and PIC value, the primers UBC826, UBC820 and UBC824, gave the best results for all attributes, and thus could be used as representative ISSR primers for the genetic analysis of potatoes. Principal Coordates Analysis (PCoA) of ISSR marker separated all diploids with A and B genome from other genotypes. Cluster Analysis based on ISSR molecular data indicated that promising hybrids including st1.k, A.K and SB.K alongside Agria and Satina cultivars assigned in one cluster, which indicates the degree of genetic similarities, also ES.chc and stbr-p were allocated in a side branch of the same cluster and in its nearest cluster, the accessions of sto and fen were set apart in a cluster and plt, hjt and pta accessions were placed in a side cluster. Pairwise species matrix of Nei Genetic Distance varied from 0.058 to 0.645, and the closest species to tbr species, were phu, plt and hjt 0.058, 0.068 and 0.095 respectively. The closest genotypes to each other among all genotypes, were sto/206×9 and sto/206, Agria and St1.k and St1.k and AK, with the genetic distances of 0, 1 and 3 respectively.


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