Documentation of floristic inventory along the national highway: a case study of Dhanbad district, Jharkhand, India

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Research Paper 01/12/2014
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Documentation of floristic inventory along the national highway: a case study of Dhanbad district, Jharkhand, India

Jitin Rahul, Manish Kumar Jain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 6), 241-247, December 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Dhanbad city is the coal capital of India. The Dhanbad town is spread over an area of 23.39 sq. kms. Dhanbad is the only district in the Jharkhand state where participation in the non-agricultural sector is more than that in the agricultural sector. It is obviously due to availability of the coal resources has prompted extensive mining activity. The studies concern along the national highway vegetation lying in the Dhanbad district, Jharkhand state, India. Which possess highly valuable vegetation; these areas are covered with different habits types of vegetation like Tree, Small tree, Cactus tree, Fern, Shrub, Small shrub, Cactus shrub, Climber, Herb, Bulb, Grass, and Stem parasite. The study area in also rich in medicinal plants and economic importance. The assessment has resulted in the recording of 138 plant species belonging to Angiosperms, 2 plants to Pteridophytes and 2 plants to Gymnosperms. Among under 53 families and 121 genera during 21 May, 2013 to 30 June, 2014. For each species scientific name, family name and habit are provided. Out of 142 plants identified along the NH-2, Dhanbad district.


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