Dynamic lung volumes responses to a single bout graded cycling exercise in obese men with asthma

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Research Paper 01/10/2011
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Dynamic lung volumes responses to a single bout graded cycling exercise in obese men with asthma

Eizadi Mojtaba, Khorshidi Davood, Seyedhoseini MohammadAli, Dooaly Hussein
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 5), 75-81, October 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Asthma is a major public health concern affecting a large percentage of people worldwide. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an acute exercise on spirometry parameters as pulmonary function in a group of asthma patients. Seventeen asthma patients (35 ± 5 yr, 175 ± 7 cm, 95 ± 12 kg) underwent a spirometry test before and after an acute (single bout of exercise) cycling exercise in order to FEV1, FEVI/FVC and MVV as respiratory functional in response to mentioned exercise. Pre- and post exercise independent variables were compared using a paired-samples t-test. Significance was accepted at P < 0.05. FEV1 levels were significantly increased in response to acute exercise when compared with baseline levels (P < .05). Moreover the other spirometry parameters such as FVC, FEVI/FVC and MVV showed a significant improvement by cycling exercise in studied patients (P < .05). Our findings indicate that exercise intervention even for a session can be improving respiratory function in asthma patients. These data provide a clear explanation for exercise-rehabilitation role in Improvement or reducing the severity of asthma.


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