Ecological comparative approach of Sarotherodon melanotheron populations of lowlands dradged and costal lagoon at Togbin in Benin: Weight-Length relationship and condition factor

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Ecological comparative approach of Sarotherodon melanotheron populations of lowlands dradged and costal lagoon at Togbin in Benin: Weight-Length relationship and condition factor

M. E. Achoh, L. Gangbé, H. Agadjihouèdé, C. C. Akotossode, P. Lalèyè
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 43-50, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Lowland dredging has been booming in Benin since 2008 following the ban on the exploitation of marine sand due to coastal erosion. Dredging the hydrobiological influence of aquatic ecosystems and it is essential to understand its impact on the ecology of the fish fauna for future policies of development and protection of fisheries. It is in this logic that the present study aims to evaluate, through a comparative approach, the weight-length relationship and the condition factor of the S. melanotheron population of the dredged bottomlands and the costal lagoon at Togbin. In this study, 428 specimens (230 for the lagoon and 198 for the shallows) were collected from June to September 2017 on which the total weight and total length were taken followed by monthly measurements of the physicochemical parameters of the water. We obtained that the weight-length relationship is significant (p <0.05, R2> 0.70) and revealed a growth isometry at the two water bodies with the coefficient b which varies between 2.0061 and 2.842 (b = 3; <0.05) respectively for dredged bottomlands and all-sex lagoon. The condition factor K obtained for the dredged bottomlands (K= 33.88 ± 12.11) is significantly higher than that of the lagoon (K = 3.04 ± 1.07) (p=0.000). In short, lowland dredging does not damage the ecology of Sarotherodon melanotheron. However, control measures for dredging activities are necessary to avoid the destruction of fish habitat.


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