Ecological responses of macroinvertebrates to human-impacts of a rural-urban flowing river in delta state, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Ecological responses of macroinvertebrates to human-impacts of a rural-urban flowing river in delta state, Nigeria

Kate Isioma Iloba, Kabir Mohammed Adamu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 4), 10-18, April 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Anwai River is one of the essential water resources situated in Asaba, the Delta State capital in Nigeria. The Delta State Government channelled the river to combat the menace of flood in the State capital. Before channelization, the river has been under intense human-stressors in and around the river. Data collected from three (3) sampling stations with varied human impact for six months in 2019; aimed to evaluate the structure and ecological responses of macroinvertebrates to habitat disturbances and anthropic activities in the river. Low levels of; nitrate (≤10mg/L), pH (acidic) and dissolved oxygen values recorded in this study pinpoint the deteriorating quality of Anwai River following the influx of organic pollutants due to habitat alteration. Macroinvertebrate community abundance generally inferior in Anwai River; with the dominance of organic pollution tolerant groups include Dipteran, Odonatan and Hemipteran. The study noted a difference in the Macroinvertebrate abundance and distribution was significantly different in the channelized and non-channelized portions of Anwai River. Macroinvertebrates population more in the unregulated section of the River. Measured biological indices reflected values ≤1.0 in all study stations, reconfirmed Anwai River organically polluted as a result of anthropogenic activity in its watershed. The long records of chironomids in this study area revealed the River a threat not just to the life forms in the water body but also to humans utilizing this river for various functions. The River’s present status requires urgent sustainable water remediation plan to sustain and improve its water quality.


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