Ecology and distribution of carabid beetles in selected forests of Eastern Visayas, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/03/2022
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Ecology and distribution of carabid beetles in selected forests of Eastern Visayas, Philippines


The study has been carried out to provide basic data for analyzing the ecology and distribution of carabid beetles in six forests of Eastern Visayas namely: Lake Danao, Mt. Nacolod, Kuapnit Balinsasayao, Asug Forest, City Forest, and Closed Canopy on January to June of 2019. Collected carabid beetles was comprised of 7844 individuals belonging to 41 species under 25 genera, 13 tribes, and two (2) subfamilies. Carabid species diversity, as estimated by diversity indices, was significantly different among the six forests. Of the six forests, Mt. Nacolod had comparatively high diversity (4.00). equitability (0.78), dominance (2.709), and species richness (32). In terms of habitat types, there were 41 species belonging to 25 genera identified among 3,771 carabids collected from natural forests of Eastern Visayas. In agricultural habitat type, 28 species were identified from 4, 073 carabid beetles. Natural forest had comparatively high diversity (5.95), high equitability (0.80), dominance (3.1), and species richness (41) over agricultural land. Along with other factors, these habitat parameters are influenced by the nature of the vegetation. Conservation should be conducted to the carabid beetles especially the rare and endemic ones in some forests. Strengthened implementation of protection in both protected landscapes against mining, illegal logging, slash and burn farming and human settlements should also be done.


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