Effect of a sugarcane-legume cropping rotation system on cane yield under irrigated conditions in Côte d’Ivoire

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Effect of a sugarcane-legume cropping rotation system on cane yield under irrigated conditions in Côte d’Ivoire

Kouamé Konan Didier, Kouamé Koffi Gaston, N’guessan Aya Carine, Soobadar Aneeza, Ouattara Dadjo, Dove James Harold, Suman Seerutun, Zouzou Michel
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 6), 1-10, June 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


To find an alternative to the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in sugarcane cultivation, this study was initiated in order to improve soil fertility and sugarcane yield by growing legumes. The trials were carried out on-farm according to split-splot design in ferké 1 sugar bowl northern Côte d’Ivoire. The main factor was the cropping system (4 levels) and the subsidiary factor was the treatment with urea (3 levels). On the experimental plot, two legumes fallows (Soybean and Lablab) were grown in rotation with sugarcane. The sugarcane yields obtained were compared with those of the conventional system and those obtained after natural fallow using only nitrogenous fertilizers. In main crop as well as ratoon crop, sugarcane yields were statistically identical for all four cropping systems. Nevertheless in ratoon crop, the effect of treatment with urea was significant. Thus, the input of half-dose of urea was the best treatment with urea. During the two years of cultivation, sugarcane yields were statistically different; the effect of years being significant on sugarcane yield, with the first ratoon as the best crop year with an average yield of 58.4 Tc/ha. Legume cultivation as a preceding crop has enabled subsequent canes to provide yields that are statistically identical to those of other cropping systems that use only nitrogenous fertilizer. It has also helped to halve the use of urea in ratoon crop and finally to obtain higher sugarcane yields in ratoon crop.


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