Effect of bacterial blight disease on ionic contents of cotton and its management

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Effect of bacterial blight disease on ionic contents of cotton and its management

Muhammad Zeeshan Talib, Muhammad Junaid Iqbal, Abdul Rehman, Rabia Fatima, Saima Amin, Muhammad Nadeem Akram, Tayyab Shafiq, Zahra Khan, Shakar Hussain, Muddassir Abbas
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 4), 61-70, April 2020.
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The bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum (Xcm) has been reported across the globe. Disease prevalence under warm weather causing upto 26-30% yield loss. Xcm infected plant show symptoms on seeds, stems, bolls and leaves at any stage of the growth by invading through wounds or stomata. The survival time of pathogen is about 22 months in seeds and can also live in crop debris throughout winter. Nutrients uptake from soil greatly affected by this disease and also impair water translocation. Therefore, use of resistant varieties is a control measure. Besides, there are chemical and plant extract options present in the management of bacterial blight disease in cotton.


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