Effect of Boron Levels on Growth and Yield of Vegetable Crops in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 04/01/2025
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Effect of Boron Levels on Growth and Yield of Vegetable Crops in Bangladesh

B.M. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Nurul Alam, Md. Hanjala Pipil, Marufa Yeasmin, C.M Aditta Alam Protham, Md Rezoanul Islam
Int. J. Biosci.26( 1), 62-73, January 2025.
Certificate: IJB 2025 [Generate Certificate]


The experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of B levels on growth and yield of cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, potato and radish. The soil was medium fertility with low B content. The experiments were laid out in RCBD with 3 replications. There were seven levels of B viz. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 kg /ha. The B was used as boric acid. The results revealed that the application of B in deferent levels significantly influenced the growth and yield of vegetable crops. The yield of cabbage, cauliflower, potato and radish responded significantly to added B up to 3 kg/ha. The yield advantages due to B application are cabbage (68.32 %), cauliflower (70.84 %), potato (47.74 %) and radish (49.07 %) over control. Whereas, application of 2 kg B/ha produced the maximum root yield of carrot (40.47 %) yield over control also. The yield of vegetables was reduced without appropriate rate of B application. It is concluded that the suitable range of B application is 2-3 kg/ha for maximum vegetable crop production in upland soils of Bangladesh. The rate of 2 kg B/ha is applicable for relatively low biomass yielded vegetable crops and 3 kg B/ha for higher yielded vegetable crops, respectively. Interestingly, it can be also stated that the B application 5 kg/ha or above will be harmful and stunted or may be toxic their vegetative growth of vegetables.


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