Effect of climate change on biodiversity: A review

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Effect of climate change on biodiversity: A review

Sana Naseem, Muhammad Faheem Malik, Talhat Munir
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 236-243, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Biodiversity is essential building block of the services the ecosystem provides to society of human. Biodiversity is very important due to its role in ecosystem functioning but when it is eroded it is difficult to replace or recover it. Change in climate has reverse effect on the habitat fragmentation and habitat loss and synergistically take part in the biological diversity degradation at genetic, habitat and species level. Population that is present in the fragmented landscape is more susceptible to environmental drivers that include change in climate. Fragmentation and deforestation can causes restricted drought and localized shift in rainfall, increased risk of fire and limiting the movement of species with bioclimatic condition.


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