Effect of conjunctive use of waste and ground water on yield and crop water productivity of cluster bean

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Effect of conjunctive use of waste and ground water on yield and crop water productivity of cluster bean

Kashif Ali Abro, Ashifa Soomro, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro, Ahmed Ali Tagar, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 159-165, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The scarcity of good quality irrigation water is a serious problem in arid and semi- arid zones of the World. The increasing demand for food, fodder and fibre has therefore compelled to explore the possibilities of using wastewater conjunctively for irrigating crops. A study at Agriculture Research Substation Shikarpur was carried out in 2015-16 to evaluate the effect of conjunctive use of waste and ground water irrigation on cluster bean crop (Cyamposis tetragonoloba L). The study comprised of four treatments i.e. I1 (groundwater), I2 (wastewater 25% + groundwater 75%), I3 (wastewater 50% + groundwater 50%) and I4 (wastewater 75% + groundwater 25%). The experiment results revealed that after sowing, soil EC (dSm-1) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) were observed to be higher in treatment I4 as compared to other treatments, whereas pH in treatment I4 resulted minimum. It was observed that cluster bean when treated 75% wastewater + 25% groundwater (treatment I4) resulted maximum plant height (75.50cm), weight plant-1 (93g), yield plot-1 (7.44kg) and yield hactre-1 (9725.50). Crop water productivity was also observed to be significantly higher (4.01kgm-3) when treated with 75% wastewater (treatment I4), which then significantly decreased with decreasing wastewater content. The study concluded that, the conjunctive use of waste and ground water can successfully be adopted for cultivation in water scarce area.


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