Effect of cropping pattern and agronomic practice on Maize productivity among smallholder Farmers in Kilosa District, Tanzania

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Research Paper 07/12/2022
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Effect of cropping pattern and agronomic practice on Maize productivity among smallholder Farmers in Kilosa District, Tanzania

Bernard Bernard Mlilile, Proscovia Kamugisha, Lihoya Chamwali
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.21( 6), 57-67, December 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The study was investigating the influence of cropping pattern and agronomic practice on maize yield in Kilosa District, Tanzania. The simple random probability sampling technique was employed to select 200 respondents. The survey questionnaire was employed for primary data collection. Data was analysed by multiple linear regressions. The results of suggest that 61% of the respondents were female, most of respondents had 18 years to 25 years seems to be more involved maize farming, 57% of respondents had Primary education and 74% of respondents were married. The finding further revealed that 65% of the respondents came from the household with 1-5 members. The finding also confirmed that cropping pattern where smallholder farmers planted maize with legume (cowpeas, pigeon peas and beans) increases maize yield by 30.43% compared to smallholder farmers who planted single crop. Moreover, it found that, relay cropping and strip cropping were positive and significantly increased maize yield by 22.68% and 22.36% respectively. It is also found that agronomic practices such as weeding, spacing and manure application had positive effect on maize yield, increases maize yield by 28.12%, 25.26% and 37.14% respectively. Unfortunate, smallholder farmer planting crop along slope land particularly high elevation experienced decline of maize yield by 53.74% compared to smallholder famers at lowland. The study however, recommends that cropping practices be promoted where maize planted with legume.


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