Effect of curd size on seed yield and quality of Cauliflower (Brasicaoleraceae var. botrytis L.)

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Effect of curd size on seed yield and quality of Cauliflower (Brasicaoleraceae var. botrytis L.)

Waqar Ahmad, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf, Chaudhary Muhammad Ayyub, Munawar Ahmad Noor
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 143-148, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment, to see the effect of curd size on seed quality and yield of cauliflower (Brasica oleraceae var. botrytis L.) using cultivar ‘Hansa’ was conducted at vegetable experimental area, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during 2016-2017. Five different head sizes were used as treatments comprising of T1 (Very small curd size 0-5 cm), T2 (small curd size 5-10 cm), T3 (medium curd size 10-15 cm), T4 (large curd size 15-20 cm), T5 (extra-large curd size 20-30 cm).Data for different seed yield and quality parameters was recorded and mean values were analyzed at a level of 5% probability. Maximum values for 1000 seed weight (3.82gm), Germination percentage (91.60%), Root length (5.78cm) ,Shoot length (8.32cm), Seedling length (14.10cm), Seedling fresh weight (0.45gm), Seedling dry weight (0.06gm) were recorded for T5 (extra-large curd size 20-30 cm).Electrical Conductivity of seeds (0.33 dsm) was recorded in case of T4 (large curd size 15-20 cm). Maximum values for Number of pods/Plant (408.80), Number of seeds per pod (12.60), Length of pod (6.48cm), Seed yield per plant (13.68gm), Seed yield (496.01 kg/ha-1) were recorded for T5 (extra-large curd size 20-30 cm). Significant difference between seed yield and quality of seed was noticed among varying size of curd of cauliflower. Extra-large and large curd size performed better than other treatments in terms of seed yield and quality of seed.


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