Effect of dietary lipids on liver lipid profile and antioxidant enzymes in male Wistar rats

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Research Paper 28/07/2022
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Effect of dietary lipids on liver lipid profile and antioxidant enzymes in male Wistar rats

Amal Alaoud, Dina M. Trabzuni, Shaista Arzoo
Int. J. Biosci.21( 1), 8-18, July 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study evaluated the effect of olive and hazelnut oil on liver lipid profile and antioxidant status in adult rats. A total of fifteen male wistar rats (150-170 grams) were randomized into three groups. Control group received 30 grams diet daily with soybean oil. OLVO and HAZO groups received 30 grams diet with olive and hazelnut oil, respectively. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C, SOD, GSH-PX, catalase activity and MDA was determined in liver homogenates. The result demonstrates significant (p≤0.05) gain in animal body weight in OLVO group compared to control group. The lowest total cholesterol (2.49±0.17 mg/dl) was observed in HAZO group and difference was significant (p≤0.05) between control and treatment groups but insignificant within treated groups. Similarly, lowest value of triglyceride (11.48±0.78 mg/dl), LDL-C (6.04±0.41 mg/dl) and VLDL-C (2.29±0.14 mg/dl) and the highest HDL value (29.59±1.99 mg/dl) was also observed in OLVO group and a significant (p≤0.05) difference was found between control and treated group. Ratio LDL/ HDL and cholesterol/ HDL was lower in OLVO group, followed by HAZO and control. The highest activity of GSHPx was observed in OLVO (17.02 ±0.50U/ml) group, but the results showed insignificant (p≥0.05) differences between control and treated group. Similarly, highest concentration of SOD (5.707±0.53 U/ml) and catalase (19.68 ±1.30nmol/min/ml) and least concentration of MDA (0.67 nmol/ml) was also observed in OLVO. MUFA diets were found to have a beneficial effect on lipid profiles and antioxidant enzymes and may be used as nutritional alternatives to prevent lipid disturbances.


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