Effect of different application rates of organic, inorganic and farmyard manure fertilizer on Zea mays L., growth and yield production

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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Effect of different application rates of organic, inorganic and farmyard manure fertilizer on Zea mays L., growth and yield production

Zahoor Ahmed, Tariq Ismail, Kanval Shaukat, Abdul Qadir, Saima Masood, Asma Yousafzai
Int. J. Biosci.9( 4), 321-327, October 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Maize is highly cultivated cereal crop in the world, due to its nutritional value it use as a staple food for human and fodder for livestock. The research was carried out by sowing of maize under the natural conditions by using four treatments (Control, Urea, FYM and NPK) in Randomized Complete Block Design. The NPK treated plot showed the maximum average height 188.27cm and the minimum average height 139.26cm was observed in control plants. Growth and yield parameters showed significant results by the use of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash, i.e. average 2.3 cobs/plant and average 450.8 seeds/cob followed by Urea and Farm Yard Manure while control plots showed  average 1.5 cobs/plant and average 359.75 seeds/cob were the minimal numbers of cobs and grains.

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