Effect of different substrate and supplement on nutritional contents of Pleorotus Floridanus Singer

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Effect of different substrate and supplement on nutritional contents of Pleorotus Floridanus Singer

Shah Zaman, Shariat Ullah, Muhammad Ishaq, Muhammad Fiaz, Rameez Khan, Khaista Rahman
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 80-87, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Current manuscript aim to find out effects in nutritional contents of Pleurotus floridanus and substrate best favors the growth of Pleurotus floridanus. The experiment was designed to cultivate Pleurotus floridanus on wheat straw and paddy straw in control and supplemented environment of wheat bran (10%) and lime (4%). Results declare maximum moisture content (92.35%), Protein (25.37%), Carbohydrate (32.57%) was recorded on Paddy straw + wheat bran15%. The highest amount of Ash (8.5%) and Crude fiber (9.32%) was recorded on Wheat straw + Wheat bran15% + lime 4%. The maximum Crude fat (2.86%) was found on wheat straw. In case of mineral the maximum amount of calcium (2.6mg/100g), magnesium (23mg/100g) and potassium (335mg/100g) was recorded on Paddy straw + wheat bran15%. The maximum amount of iron (3.35mg/100g) was obtained from paddy straw and zinc (3.7mg/100g) on wheat straw + wheat bran15% + lime4%. The maximum amount of Sodium (35mg /100g) was recorded on Oyster mushroom grown on wheat straw. Owing to these findings it is concluded that Paddy straw + wheat bran15% is a best substrate for cultivation of Pleurotus floridanus.


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