Effect of different substrates on vegetative growth and quality of cast iron (Aspidistra elatior L.)

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Effect of different substrates on vegetative growth and quality of cast iron (Aspidistra elatior L.)

Adeel Shahid, Rashid Hussain, Atif Riaz, Adnan Younis, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah, SaharRashid, Saif Ali, Muhammad Wasim Haider, Ahmad Raza
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 297-308, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Cast iron (Aspidistra elatior L.) is a rhizomatous foliage perennial plant which is extensively cultivated as an indoor houseplant. Growing media plays an important role in plant growth and development particularly for indoor potted plants. Peat based growing media are being extensively used in growing ornamental plants, whereas it is very expensive and there is immense need to replace peat based growing media by evaluating other organic substrates. Pot experiment was conducted to evaluate growth performance of cast iron using various potting media in different combinations: i.e. garden soil, peat moss, leaf manure, compost, coconut fiber and farm yard manure at the ratio of 1:1 (v/v)to evaluate the best growing media for growth and quality of Aspidistra elatior L. Various morphological parameters including survival percentage, length of leaves, petiole length, roots length, rhizome length, leaf area, number of leaves/plant, fresh and dry weight of roots and fresh and dry weight of leaves were recorded using standard methods. Treatment T2 (peat + farm yard manure + leaf compost) showed best results among all the treatments for the parameters of foliage quality, number of leaves, number of roots, fresh and dry weight of leaves, dry weight of roots and rhizome length. Growing medium analysis showed that growing medium with less water holding capacity, low nutrients and less organic matter can be altered with alteration in organic materials using different combinations at different rates.


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