Effect of fault network on zoning of mass movement using GIS Case Study: Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Effect of fault network on zoning of mass movement using GIS Case Study: Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

Maral Moeini, Hassan Ahmadi, Baharak Motamed Vaziri, Ehsan Zandi Esfahan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 11), 48-53, November 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Investigation of effective factors on landslides and identifying vulnerable areas are considered as an important step in achieving sustainable management of natural resources. With regard to the location of Islamic Azad University on active fault of North Tehran, subsequent degradation of the natural environment, non-principal roads, lack of management of water flows and extensive constructions in the University, a comprehensive study is required. The importance of the study is to identify high-risk regions through which hazards could be prevented. Some of the most important factors in landslide such as slope, slope direction, rivers, roads, faults, lithology, and penology were investigated and their maps were digitized using GIS. Also, the information layer of landslide was produced through field studies, interpretation of aerial photographs and GPS. Finally, zoning map of landslide hazard was produced. According to the results, the highest landslide was related to the lithological units E1tsv. It contained green tuff in the shape of mass, and shale, deictic and andesitic lavas occurred in a slope of 50-70%, in the South and West.


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