Effect of fertilizer doses with biochar on soil fertility and crop productivity of wheat-maize-rice cropping pattern in drought prone area

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Effect of fertilizer doses with biochar on soil fertility and crop productivity of wheat-maize-rice cropping pattern in drought prone area

Md. Ilias Hossain, Md. Israil Hossain, Md. Zillur Rahman, M. Malek, Md. Shah Newaz Chowdhury
Int. J. Biosci.18( 4), 93-100, April 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


A two years experiment was conducted to study the productivity and soil fertility of intensified rice-wheat (RW) systems by adding a third pre-rice crop of maize. The trial comprises five packages of practices including crop residue retention, seeding methods with recommended fertilizer with biochar imposed on the component crops in wheat-maize-rice cropping pattern. The results indicated that biochar in the field with minimum disturbance of soil had a significant contribution to grain yield and yield component of wheat compare to conventional practice and without biochar application.  System productivity and fertility were evaluated under three levels of tillage options (zero, strip, raised bed, PTOS and conventional tillage practice (CTP) in a RW- Maize cropping pattern. Both raised bed and strip-till with 80% recommended fertilizer with 2.0 t/ha biochar produced the highest grain yield in wheat and maize crop but the non-significant effect of rice grain yield and lowest yield was also found from conventional practice with control plot.  Biochar had increased the soil organic matter by 0.08. While some of the parameters increase may have been due to added biochars from topsoil, the change in organic carbon increased with the rate of different doses of biochar application. Biochar application slightly increased N, P, K, S, B and Zn availability and low pH levels in the wheat crop in two seasons. So, Biochar has a positive effect on soil properties and sustainable productivity ofcereals crop in drought-prone areas.


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