Effect of genotype × location interaction on some agronomic characters of M7 of local rice mutant lines of South Kalimantan, Indonesia
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Effect of genotype × location interaction on some agronomic characters of M7 of local rice mutant lines of South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Differences in land typology have implications for yield, that are influenced by genetic (G), environment (E), and G × E. The aim of this experiment was to study G × E interaction on performance of M7 mutant lines. This experiment have been done based on RBD at 2 locations for 6 months. Variables observed were plant height (PH), flowering date (FD) and plant age (PA), panicles number (PN), panicle length (PL), filled grains/panicle (FG/P), % of filled grains (PFG), and yield (Y). Results of experiment showed that G × E effect were significantly on FD, PA, PN, GW/P, PFG, and Y. The shortest of FD was G-10 (81 DAS) in Sungai Rangas Hambuku (SRH) but not significantly from 14 lines in SRH and 1 line in Tanjung Harapan (TH). The PA was G-1 in SRH (111 DAS), but not significantly from 5 lines in SRH and 1 lines in TH. The highest PN, GW/P, PFG, and Y were respectively 27.5 (G-25 in SRH) and not significantly from 4 lines and 1 control in SRH, 2.52 g (K-3 in SRH) but not significantly from 3 lines in RSH, 92.02 % (G-19 in TH) but not significantly from 2 lines in SRH, and 8.01 t ha-1 (G-13 in SRH) but not significantly from 5 lines and 1 control in SRH. The consistent of lines or controls performance in 2 locations were 12 lines and 1 control for FD, none for PA, 5 lines for PN, 5 lines and 3 kontrol for GW/P, 7 lines for % of filled grains, and 2 lines for Y.
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Raihani Wahdah, Gusti Rusmayadi, Rahmi Zulhidiani, Hikma Ellya (2018), Effect of genotype × location interaction on some agronomic characters of M7 of local rice mutant lines of South Kalimantan, Indonesia; IJB, V13, N2, August, P42-53
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