Effect of harvesting date on percent and yield of essential oil of Thymus daenesis (case study: arid and semi-arid region)

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Research Paper 01/04/2013
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Effect of harvesting date on percent and yield of essential oil of Thymus daenesis (case study: arid and semi-arid region)

Saeideh Khaghani, Hossein Azarnivand, Seid Akbar Javadi, Abdollah Mollafilabi, Seid Hashem Hoseini, Hosnie Hoseinzadeh
Int. J. Biosci.3( 4), 208-212, April 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


One of the most important endemic medicinal species of Iran is Thymus daenesis. This plant grows by itself in many places. The aim of this study was determination of the most suitable time for harvesting of aerial part so that we can have maximum percent and yield of essential oil. This study had been done as factorial experiment in complete randomized block design with two factors, 3 times of harvesting(at the beginning of flowering, middle of flowering and end of flowering)and three distances of bushes in row(30, 50 and 70 cm)and 3 replications during one year (2011-2012). Traits under study were wet weight of aerial part, dry weight of aerial part, percent and yield of essential. Results showed that effect of harvesting time was significant for all traits. Means comparison of dry weight of aerial part of pant by Duncan’s test showed that the highest value for this trait was obtained at the end of flowering with 125.47 g/m2.Also, the highest percent and yield of essential oil equal to 2.76% and3.505 g/m2were observed at the end of flowering.


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