Effect of host plants on life history traits of Dysdercus koenigii (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae)

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Effect of host plants on life history traits of Dysdercus koenigii (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae)

Muhammad Nadir Naqqash, Shafqat Saeed, Waqar Jaleel, Syed Muhammad Zaka, Qamar Saeed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 187-194, January 2014.
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Red Cotton Bug, Dysdercus koenigii F., (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) also called cotton stainer is a destructive pest of cotton and many other economical crops in Asia. D. koenigii feeds on a variety of hosts including cotton. It damages the crop by sucking sap and staining lint by its faeces. Being important pest of many important crops, the present work was planned to study the comparative biology and biometrics most appropriate word of D. koenigii on cotton, okra and simal under laboratory condition. Significantly lesser nymphal duration was observed in cotton 23.42±1.38 days as compared to okra and simal 28.20±2.08 and 28.39±1.96 days respectively. The longer adult life was observed on cotton (female 20.85±6.17 days and male 16.18±6.11 days) and simal (female 20.11±3.19 days and male 15.41±2.37 days) than the okra (female 17.60±2.58 days and male 10.92±2.49 days). In case of cotton D. koenigii mates three times in its life, while in case of okra it mates 1-2 times and it mates only once in its life period in case of Simal. Numbers of eggs laid were significantly higher in case of cotton 109.06±32.60 as compared to okra (52.93±8.72 eggs) and simal (43.63±13.29 eggs). Better vigor was observed in case of case of cottonseeds. Biology and life cycle studies on different hosts will help researchers and farmers to develop IPM strategies accordingly.


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