Effect of humic acid on some morphological traits of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in Karaj region

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Effect of humic acid on some morphological traits of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in Karaj region

Samaneh Ahmadi, Abdollah Hatamzadeh, Mohammad Hasan Biglueii, Amir Sahraroo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 1), 287-295, July 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Humic acid is one of the most organic substances that has been used today due to its advantages, such as improving drainage and soil air, causing the development of microorganisms, increasing plant yield and growth, and also reducing the consumption of other fertilizers. In order to evaluate humic acid on some morphological traits of guar plant, a randomized complete block design experiment with three replications was conducted in 2015 and 2016. Fertilization treatments included four levels of humic acid (0,1,3 and 6 liters per Hectare). The evaluated traits was including the emergence index, emergence percentage, leaf area index, number of leaves, lateral shoots, seeds per pod, pods per plant, seed yield, weight of 100 seeds, stem diameter in two steps and plant height in three steps. Analysis of variance showed that humic acid had a significant effect on evaluated traits except number of lateral shoots and weight of 100 seeds. Based on the results, the highest leaf area index, number of leaves, stem diameter, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, emergence index, emergence percentage and seed yield were related to the fertilization treatment of 6 liters per hectare, however, no significant difference was observed with fertilization treatment of 3 liters per hectare. Also, the results showed that fertilization reduced the plant height at different steps.


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