Effect of hydrocarbons (Gasoil and spent motor oil) on biochemical parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Paper Details
Effect of hydrocarbons (Gasoil and spent motor oil) on biochemical parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Petroleum compounds are one of the most commonly encountered pollutants in soils, presenting a stressful environmental factor for plants. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of hydrocarbons (gasoil and spent motor oil) on some biochemical parameters of barley Hordeum vulgare. Plantlets were sown in five different concentrations of gasoil (0%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.375% and 0.5%) and spent motor oil (0%, 1.25%, 2.5%, 3.75% and 5%) for 75 days in a greenhouse. The results show a significant reduction in the levels of chlorophyll with the gradual increase of gasoil and spent motor oil, noting that the lowest values were obtained at 0.5% gasoil (with a reduction of 59%) and 5% spent motor oil (with 73% of decrease compared to control). The same decrease was observed for proteins and soluble sugars recording that the content of leaves was higher than those of roots. The lowest contents (10.04 mg.g-1 of proteins and 14.53 mg.g-1 of soluble sugars) were registered at 0.5% and 0,375% gasoil respectively in roots. In addition, the same doses led to a significant increase in proline contents in comparison with the control, recording the highest levels (4.94 and 6.29 mg.g-1 dry matter in roots, and 11.97 and 16.78 mg.g-1 dry matter in leaves) for the highest doses of gasoil and spent motor oil respectively. What does it mean that gasoil and spent motor oil have an influence on stability of biochemical parameters of barley.
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Ahmed Mortet, Abdelwaheb Chibani, Houcine Abdelhakim Reguieg Yssaad (2017), Effect of hydrocarbons (Gasoil and spent motor oil) on biochemical parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare); IJB, V11, N5, November, P176-185
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