Effect of leaflets palm date biochemical composition on infestation rate by the white cochineal Parlatoria blanchardi (Himiptera-Diaspididae)

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Effect of leaflets palm date biochemical composition on infestation rate by the white cochineal Parlatoria blanchardi (Himiptera-Diaspididae)

Benameur-Saggou Hayet, Benbrahim Keltoum, Rekia Chennouf, Idder Mohamed Azzedine
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 129-138, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The white cochineal Parlatoria blanchardi is the most redoubtable pest of date palm Phoenix dactylifera in the palm groves of the region of Ouargla (Sahara Desert of Algeria). In order to explain the food preferences of the insect pest, this study aims to relate the variation of infestation rates caused by the white cochineal to biochemical characteristics of leaflets of two date palm cultivars Deglet-Nour and Ghars. The study of the dynamic populations of the white cochineal showed that it had the same developmental pattern in both cultivars (P=0.107 for the study months). Three annual generations are recorded, of which the spring generation is the most dangerous, with a mean number of individuals of 77.72±6.07 at Deglet-Nour and 46.10±5.14 at Ghars. Estimating infestation rates of Parlatoria blanchardi showed that the cultivar Deglet-Nour has higher infestation rates (36.34%±9.92) compared to Ghars (7.08%±2.34). The highest infestation rates are recorded during the months of April, May and October. Biochemical analyses were performed on leaflets of the two cultivars and the study of the principal components (PCA) shows that the Ghars cultivar has a higher cationic ratio K+/ Ca2++ Mg2+ (0.34%±0.11) than the Deglet-Nour (0.29%±0.04) rich on Mg2+ (0.33±0.02) and Ca2+ (1.03±0.13), which contributes to its resistance against the pest.


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