Effect of legumineous trees on the floral diversity and ligneous regeneration in zone of evergreen wet dense forest of Ivory Coast

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Effect of legumineous trees on the floral diversity and ligneous regeneration in zone of evergreen wet dense forest of Ivory Coast

Kouadio Kouassi Richard, Dr N’Guessan Kanga Anatole, Pr Soro Dodiomon
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 229-234, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In order to rehabilite degraded grounds and abandoned in fallows after cultural practices, an Australian acacias have been introduced in Côte d’Ivoire. Thirty years after these experimentations, this study is executed to appreciate their effect on the ligneous biodiversity and ligneous regeneration under the populatings of three acacias species. The quadrat method (35x50m and 6x6m) realized in each of these populatings permitted to list 104 ligneous species with a dominance of Fabaceae. High rates of ligneous regeneration (between 89.76±0.61 and 100.00±0.61) were recorded under these populatings of leguminous trees. The prediction of the diversity parameters and the regeneration rates according to the age of biotopes showed positive correlations between the ligneous floral diversity and the age. Negative correlation between the regeneration and the age is observed. Besides, the individual influences of every species of acacia on the diversity and the ligneous regeneration are not significant.


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