Effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of radish and carrot under calcareous soil environment

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Research Paper 06/12/2024
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Effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of radish and carrot under calcareous soil environment

B. M. Mahmudul Hasan
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 210-217, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of micronutrients on growth and yield of radish and carrot under calcareous soil environment. The land was medium fertile with pH 7.6 and silty loam in texture. This study was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications and each replication was consisted with eleven plots. This study included two experiments and conducted with eleven treatments, namely T1 = control, T2 = Zn, T3 = B, T4 = Zn+B, T5 = Zn+B+Mo, T6 = Zn+B+Mn, T7 = Zn+B+Cu, T8 = Zn+B+Cl, T9 = Zn+B+Mo+Mn, T10 = Zn+B+Mo+Mn+Cu and T11. In this experiment, Zn, B, Mo, Mn, Cu, Cl were applied in the rate of 3, 3, 0.5, 4, 1, 20 kg/ha and N, P, K, S were used in the rate of 150, 100, 50, 20 kg/ha as basal. Data were recorded in 30, 45 and 60 DAS for radish but in case of carrot, it was in 30, 60 and 100 DAS. This recorded data were analyzed with MSTAT-C . The growth characters of radish like plant height (52.39 cm) and breadth of largest leaf was found to be highest in T2  (Zn) and the lowest value was in control. The highest number of leaves per plant (32.63) was found in T5 while the maximum length of largest leaf (44.24 cm) was in T4. All yield characters like length of root (30.13 cm), diameter of root (14.50 cm), fresh weight of plant (1119.0 g) and fresh weight of individual root (680.0 g) were observed to be maximum in T4 (Zn+B).


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