Effect of Mono-ammonium phosphate 12-61 and salinity on growth, total chlorophyll and proline content of bean Vicia faba L minor, Variety Sidi Aich

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Effect of Mono-ammonium phosphate 12-61 and salinity on growth, total chlorophyll and proline content of bean Vicia faba L minor, Variety Sidi Aich

Nouri Tayeb, Reguieg Yssaad Houcine Abdelhakim, Latigui Ahmed, Oubachir Ahlem, Djebbar Naziha, Bouyahia Hadj
Int. J. Biosci.11( 2), 163-169, August 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Soil salinity is a major constraint to agricultural development in the whole world, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the combined effect of four salinity levels 0, 3, 6, 9dS/m and three concentrations of Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) 12-61 on Growth, biochemical’s parameters as total Chlorophyll and the content proline of bean Viciafaba L minor, variety of SIDI AICH. Sowing was carried on plastic cylinders of 40cm in height containing soil of different salinity levels (0.3.6 and 9dS/m), and treated with Mono-Ammonium Phosphate 12.61 at doses of 1 and 1.5g/ 5kg of dry soil. However, The Irrigation of plants was performed with distilled water and a Hoagland nutrient solution. Also, Saline and MAP effect were investigated on leaf and root area, stem and root length, total chlorophyll and proline content. So, the results showed that; the strong salinity of 9dS/m caused a reduction in the length of the stems and roots, the leaf and root area, total chlorophyll. Nevertheless, the treatment of plants by the MAP at the dose of 1 and 1.5g was significantly improved leaf and root area, stem length and proline content under the effect of salinity.


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