Effect of new tomato varieties and fungicides on late blight (Phytophthora infestans) disease severity, growth parameters and yield in western highlands of Cameroon

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Research Paper 06/11/2024
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Effect of new tomato varieties and fungicides on late blight (Phytophthora infestans) disease severity, growth parameters and yield in western highlands of Cameroon

Dietchou Paolo Vincent, Tiaze Fopah Noémie Lionelle, Keuete kamdoum Elie, Tsopmbeng Noumbo Gaston
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 64-76, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Late blight is among the major constraints that limit tomato production in most tomato growing regions. Field experiment was conducted in Western Cameroon in 2020 raining season with objectives: to investigate the effect of new varieties and fungicide spray on late blight disease development and tomato fruit yield. The treatments consisted of seven tomato varieties (AVTO1219, AVTO1311, CLN1462A, CLN1464A, CLN1464B, RIO GRANDE 2 and RIO GRANDE +) and three chemical fungicides, one with double action systemic and contact: Bonsoin (Chlorothalonil 30% and Cymoxanil 6%) and two contact: Mancostar (Mancozeb 80 WP) and Plantineb (Maneb 80 WP), was used as a foliar spray including the control. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Results indicated that new tomatoes varieties and fungicide spray significantly reduced late blight disease development and maximizes tomato fruit yield. AVTO1219 and AVTO1311 varieties are found better with lowest disease severity 6.6 % and 7.3 % respectively when sprayed with Chlorothalonil and Cymoxanil. The highest disease severity (95.1 %), were obtained from untreated RIO GRANDE 2 variety. The lowest total fruit yield 3.92 and 3.97 t. ha-1 was harvested from none sprayed RIO GRANDE + and RIO GRANDE 2 varieties respectively. Highest marketable yield (53.99 t. ha-1) and highest total fruit yield (59.27 t. ha-1) was obtained on CLN1462A variety treated with double action fungicide. Thus it is recommended to spraying new tomato variety CLN1462A with the fungicide Chlorothalonil and Cymoxanil in the study area to increase tomato yield. However, other management practices should be employed to this variety to confirm its less sensitive ability and to maximize its fruit yield in the presence of the disease in raining season.


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