Effect of physiographic factors on the distribution of wild Almond (Amygdalusorientalis Mill) in West of Iran

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Research Paper 01/12/2013
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Effect of physiographic factors on the distribution of wild Almond (Amygdalusorientalis Mill) in West of Iran

Mousa Rasouli, Mohsen Javanmiri Pour, Navid Zamani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 12), 179-185, December 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Habitat needs and requirement of important species in terms of distribution is necessary for natural resources management. Amygdalusorientalisis one of the forest species in west of Iran for food, industries and environmental protection in different climatic conditions.In this research, the effect of physiographic factors such as land form, aspect, altitude and slope on qualitative and quantitative characteristics as height, crown diameter, canopy cover, tree density, regeneration and vitality percent were studied. The results of this study showed: maximum height and crown diameter was observed in northern and eastern aspects. The maximum canopy cover and regeneration was seen in northern aspect, valleys and in altitudes 1700-1900 meters. The maximum tree number was observed in southern aspect, amplitude and valley land forms, in altitudes of 1700-1900 and 1900-2100 meters and in slops of 0-30 and 30-60%.The percentage of almond canopy coverage was 16%. The average percentage of herbaceous coverage was 8%. Almond trees of diameter per hectareat breast height >20 cm numbered 2while average number of almond trees were 11 per hectare. Almondseedlingsper hectare averaged 5. The numbers of other species per hectare were 4trees. Almondhasimportant socio-economic, ecologic and conservation roles in semi-arid areas, therefore it is essential to protect and restore Cheleh forests through participation by government and local people.


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