Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on overall performance of broilers at starter phase

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on overall performance of broilers at starter phase

Muhammad Inam, Sarzamin Khan, Asad Sultan, Nazir Ahmad Khan
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 42-53, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The reduction in feed cost and direct competition between human and poultry in obtaining food is a major challenge. An experiment was conducted to observe the effect of low levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae incorporation as partial replacement for soybean meal on growth performance, carcass traits, economics, hematology, immunity and intestinal histo-morphology in broilers during starter phase. The feed for starter phase was prepared by replacement of soybean meal at 5, 10 and 15% with SC named as SC0, SC5, SC10 and SC15 respectively. The experimental design was complete randomized in 4×4×3 fashion. No significant effect (P>0.05) was observed for low level incorporation of SC for soybean meal during starter phase on observing parameters except livability, mortality and immunity against new castle disease. However, the numerical variation among the groups indicate positive trend for successful incorporation of SC in replacement to soybean meal. The increasing level of SC in feed during starter phase resulted in the highest productive performance. The group SC10 and SC15 reveal in best results in majority parameters of the productive performance i.e. SC10 (700-FBW), SC10 (1.31-FI), SC10 (660-WG), SC15 (1.83-FCR), SC15 (37.18-BPEF), SC15 (2.23-BFEI), SC15 (97.66-Livability), SC15 (2.33- Mortality), immunity i.e. SC15 (4.79-day 14th) and SC10 (4.86-day 21st), economics i.e. SC10 (91-GR) and SC05 (36.98-Profit),and blood constituents i.e. SC10 (30.76-PCV), SC15 (994-Hb), SC15 (2.98-RBC), SC15 (10.25-WBC), SC10 (4.47-STP), SC10 (2.49-SA), SC15 (1.98-SG). The non-significant effect among the groups shows successful replacement of SC with soybean meal. In conclusion, based on the observing parameters incorporation of SC in replacement to soybean meal resulted in about similar and better performance in some traits shows successful inclusion therefore, could be used on mass level for start ration in boilers.


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