Effect of sandfish (Scincus scincus) in serum biochemical parameters evolution in the wistar rats

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Effect of sandfish (Scincus scincus) in serum biochemical parameters evolution in the wistar rats

Ikram Toumi, Ifriqya Medila, Abdelkader Adamou, Samira Becila, Samira Abid, Houda Madaoui
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 225-231, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The uncontrolled diet certainly contributes to the epidemic of metabolic syndrome. The high incidence of adverse drug effects means that the population relies on natural medicine for treatment. In the region of Oued Souf (south-east of Algeria), sand fish is widely recognized as a traditional remedy against various metabolic diseases. Several ethno pharmacological studies have been devoted to the effect of certain plants on biochemical parameters. However, no study has been done on the therapeutic effect of certain animals, especially on sandfish. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of sandfish (Scincus scincus) on the evolution of certain serum biochemical parameters and to look for possible toxic effect in experimental rats. Fifteen (15) male Wistar rats are grouped into three groups (5 rats each): control, fed by 12% of the body of the sand fish, and fed by 12% of the head of the sandfish. The effect of skink on these parameters was evaluated after 6 weeks of treatment. The results reveal that both parts of the skink have a positive effect on the regulation of serum parameters. Administration of the skink showed a very highly significant increase in iron (3.21 mg / l); a very highly significant decrease in total cholesterol (0.71 g / l), triglycerides (0.48 g / l) and TGO (248 u / l), with no significance for blood glucose (0.77 mg / dl) and TGP (45.1 u / l) compared to control. The results obtained also show an increase in urea (0.5 g / l) and a decrease in serum creatinine (6.08 g /l). this study we found that the sandfish has a cholesterol-lowering and hypotriglyceridemia effect


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