Effect of seed quality and management system on the growth and plant health of teak (Tectona grandis L.F) in the humid tropic

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Effect of seed quality and management system on the growth and plant health of teak (Tectona grandis L.F) in the humid tropic

Yusanto Nugroho, Luthfi Rayes, Didik Suprayogo, Ahmad Kurnain
Int. J. Biosci.7( 1), 141-148, July 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Teak in humid tropical of South Kalimantan is a type of introduction plants from Java, built in the form of community forests which is known as Teak. Development of community forests of teak plant is not preceded by planting concepts based on knowledge resulting in variations on the growth and health of plants, seeds and usage factors management system as important role for the existing variations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of plant growth and health of teak in humid tropical from variation factors of seed and management system. This research was conducted in community forest teak plantation at the age of 11 years using a factorial design with variations in the use of seeds and variations of management system. Data collected with deep interviews and the direct measurement of the field. The results shows that the use of certified seed and intensive management system was effect the high productivity to growth (height, diameter and volume) of teak plant on community forest of humid tropic. Unavailable of one of the factors (certified seeds and intensive management system) led to the slow or not optimal growth of teak plants. The use of certified seed and intensive management produce a higher number of healthy plants up to 87.09% compared with the use of uncertified seed and unintensive management system only reached 44.51% – 64.29%. Therefore certified seed and intensive management are recommended for Teak plant in humid tropic community forest. However, intensive management system needs to be overviewed for longterm forest management.


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