Effect of seed rate on the seed yields in wheat/faba bean intercropping system:  a competition approach

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Research Paper 01/06/2012
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Effect of seed rate on the seed yields in wheat/faba bean intercropping system:  a competition approach

Ibrahim Yahuza
Int. J. Biosci.2( 6), 94-128, June 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Five experiments agronomically managed differently investigated yield-density relationships in wheat /faba bean (bean) intercropping system. For the wheat sole crop, seed yield (SY) ranged from 102 g/m2 to 734 g/m2. Intercropping reduced wheat SY but this did not always depend on wheat seed rate (wsr). Standard intra-specific and/or inter-specific yield-density equations derived from the literature and others modified here were used to quantify the SYs (as was applicable). For the majority of the experiments wheat SYs, whether sole cropped or intercropped responded asymptotically as wsr increased. The maximum bean sole crop SY was 392 g/m2: bean SY declined as wsr increased. The total intercrop (wheat + bean) SY response to wsr was asymptotic in at least two of the experiments, following similar pattern as the wheat. Although, for the mean effects of intercropping the total intercrop SYs was substantial in three experiments; the total intercrop did not produce significantly greater SY than the wheat sole crop as wsr increased. Moreover, maximum wheat sole crop and wheat intercrop SYs were significantly greater under the organically-managed experiment than the conventional-managed one, even though they were both established in the same cropping year. Similarly, as regards wheat SYs, comparisons of spring-sown with the winter-sown crops established in the same cropping year indicate that the former performed better than the latter. Nevertheless, for most of the experiments investigated here, this research indicates that 100-wheat seeds/m2 or lower may be appropriate to intercrop with bean at 30 to 40-bean seeds/m2 to reduce competition and improve productivity.


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