Effect of seed rate on the seed yields in wheat/faba bean intercropping system:  estimates of intercrop performance using three different indices

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Research Paper 01/06/2012
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Effect of seed rate on the seed yields in wheat/faba bean intercropping system:  estimates of intercrop performance using three different indices


For wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) / faba bean (bean; Vicia faba L.) intercropping system, the analyses of intercrop benefits had hitherto been restricted to the land equivalent ratio (LER) despite the fact that the index has its disadvantages. In the research reported here, based on the LER, crop performance ratio (CPR) and monetary advantage (MA) indices, seed yield intercrop performance were assessed from results and values obtained after yields response to seed rate were quantified using meaningful equations. Based on the results, a maximum LER of 2.20 and a maximum CPR of 1.61 were found. In two experiments LER >1.0 but CPR <1.0 were obtained, indicating that the total intercrop (wheat + bean) were less efficient than the component sole crops. Estimates of intercrop benefits using the MA agreed with estimates based on the LER, probably because the former is a derivative of the latter. However, estimates of seed yield intercrop performance using fitted data did not consistently agree with estimates based on actual results. For the majority of the experiments, it was concluded that wheat/bean intercropping system is beneficial, and growers may wish to adopt the cropping system.


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