Effect of soil use and spraying of potassium sulfate and different irrigation intervals on grain related trains in maize 704 in Khoda Afarin

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Research Paper 01/03/2014
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Effect of soil use and spraying of potassium sulfate and different irrigation intervals on grain related trains in maize 704 in Khoda Afarin

Bahram Imanzadeh, Mehrdad Yarnia, Farrokh Rahimzadeh Khoiy
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 92-100, March 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted in khoda Afarin in 2012 Ordibehesht aiming at evaluating of using this element as a soil and spraying it in two stages of development and Tassel formation various water condition in maize single 704. The experiment was performed in spit-plot in complete random block design with three replications in this study, irrigation water per: 7 days,: 14 days and :21 days once and potassium sulfate use as a minor factor was performed with 8 levels. Characters of the number of kernel rows per maize, the number of per row. The number of maize per plant, plant height, total dry weight number of speeds per plant, weight of 300 seeds and seed weight per plant were measured. The result showed that there was a significant difference between studied irrigation levels in traits of weight of 300 seeds, seed weight per plant, plant height, dry-weight of the whole plant and the number of seed rows and the lower part of maize in probable levels of 1 and 5 percent. There was a significant difference between potassium sulfate levels on probable level of 5 percent in the weight of 300 seeds, dry-weight of the whole plant, and seed weight per plant. A delay in maize 704 irrigation from 7 days to 14 and 21 days led to a significant reduction in characters of number of seed rows in the lower part of maize, plant height, and dry- weight of the whole plant, weight of 300 seeds and seed weight in plant. The highest values of this parameter were obtained every 7 days after irrigation. There was no significant effect on these traits in delay irrigation from 14 days to 21 days. Using potassium sulfate led to an increase in traits including the weight of 300 seeds, dry-weight of the total plant and seed weight per plant compared to not using the element. Using potassium sulfate as a soil with spraying in Tassal formation led to the highest levels of seed corn production (166.55 gr per plant). And its soil application with spraying of potassium sulfate in deployment had the highest dry-weight of total plant with the operation of 405 and gr respectively. So if the using corn is of forage, potassium sulfate spraying will be done in early plant growth and if the goal is seed production. Spraying is done during Tassel.


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