Effect of storage methods of cassava planting materials on establishment and early growth vigour

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Effect of storage methods of cassava planting materials on establishment and early growth vigour

Baraka Barnabas Mdenye, Josiah Mwivandi Kinama, Florence M'mogi Olubayo, Benjamin Musembi Kivuva, James Wanjohi Muthomi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 1), 1-10, January 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cruntz.) establishment depends on quality of planting materials. The experiment was done to determine the effects storage and variety on crop establishment and early growth vigour. Karembo and KME 4 varieties were stored in clamp under double shade (CUDS), horizontal under shade (HUS), vertical under shade (VUS) and horizontal under open ground (HOUG) as control for 16 weeks. Planting materials was sampled from each storage methods after every 4 weeks and taken to field to evaluate their sprouting ability, number of primary shoots formation, number of leaves, rate of leaf formation and early growth vigour. Data were subjected to ANOVA and means separated by LSD. Sprouting percentage at Kabete was 54.73 % while in Kiboko had 37.78 %. The results showed that Kabete had 1.60 number of primary shoots per plant compared to 1.04 of Kiboko. The results showed KME4 had higher sprouting than Karembo in both sites. This can be due to genetic difference among varieties. The rate of leaf formation at Kiboko was higher as compared to Kabete it could be contribute difference in temperature between locations. Thus, optimum temperature and relative humidity should be factored in cassava cuttings storage to avoid increased death of stored cuttings. In case of storage cassava cuttings, should be stored in clamp under double shade methods under low temperature and moderate RH.


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