Effect of strain on some semen traits for local Iraqi turkey males

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Effect of strain on some semen traits for local Iraqi turkey males

Yihea Abas Merdas AL-Janabi, Mohannad M. AL-Rekabi, Nihad Abdulateef Ali
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 409-416, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study has been conducted at the poultry farm for department of Allatefya Researches, Agricultural researches directorate, ministry of sciences and technology, during the period from 20/6/2017 to 28/10/2017. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of strain on some semen traits for local Iraqi turkey males. A total of 36 local Iraqi turkey males in 32weeks old were used in this study. The turkey males were randomly distributed on four treatments groups, each group consisted of 9 birds depend on strain. Birds were fed during the whole period on diet contain 18 % crude protein and 2950 Kcal metabolic energy / kg. The birds were reared in ground cages (pens) during the experiment period. Semen was collected after ganders were trained for two weeks to give semen before the collection began the semen collection by using abdominal massage procedure. Results revealed that strain resulted insignificant affected regarding semen traits like ejaculate volume, Individual motility, mass motility, sperm concentrations, percentage of dead spermatozoa, and spermatocrit. While deformation spermatozoa ratio had not significant affects recorded from strain on these traits.


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