Effect of sulfur foliar fertilization on reproductive growth and development of canola

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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Effect of sulfur foliar fertilization on reproductive growth and development of canola

Shah Khalid, Muhammad Zahir Afridi, Imranuddin, Nadia, Faisal Nadeem, Muhammad Aamir, Saddamullah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 3), 61-67, September 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Plant nutrients availability at appropriate time and amount is inevitable to harvest optimum yield. A field experiment was conducted, to evaluate the effects of sulphur foliar fertilization on reproductive growth and development of canola. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design, having three replications with a net plot size of 3m × 5m. Data on various growth and yield parameters of canola were recorded. The results revealed that sulphur foliar spray at the rate of 2% as aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate (AS), significantly improved number of pods plant-1, productive pods plant-1, grains pod-1, pod length (cm), 1000 grains weight (g) and grains oil content (%). Highest pods plant-1 (96), pro. Pods plant-1 (69), grains pod-1 (25.3), and seed oil content (36.5%) ware recorded in 2% AS foliar application, however, it was statistically at par with 0.6% AS foliar application, followed by 0.4%AS application, while minimum pods plant-1 (87.6), pro. Pods plant-1 (50.7), grains pod-1 (18), and seed oil contents (32.9%) ware recorded in control (water spray only). From above results it is concluded that 2% A.S foliar application is best for higher yield of canola.


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